Kimbrya's Archives


Llog: Nov. 30, xxx4: Intimacy

Here is where I am not sure what came over me. I had done some research on Zabrak. Brem seems to have a "bond" with Scar'let. That is how he found her yesterday. Perhaps they are Tai'Shan. That is a strong bonding of sorts. If it is mixed with love and Force Sensitivity, it is a long lasting bond. But Tai'shan is a biological thing really. I will have to do more research on it.

What I know so far:
Tai'Shan :
-consort as known by Zabrak tribes
-unique bio-chemical physical response between two Zabrak (man and woman)
-possibly restricted to those possessing the Force (innate or awakened)
-stirs the 2 to uncontrolled passions
-with birthrates low and infirtility high among the race from generations (now genetic) of radiation poisoning, the Tai'shan is the only guaruntee of a child, superb cloning and ex-utero births have been developed to compensate. Such unions as those between Tai'Shan always produce a child.
-Polyamoury is commone among Zabrak as can be seen in several diverse sentiant species (Humans & Twi'lek to name a few) but Tai'shan is between only 2.

"Pairing involves the custom of Tai Shan, which is based upon the use of the acute sense of smell to recognize compatible pheromones secreted by a female (and rarely a male) as a subtle scent or musk, which leads to a rapid attraction and then to successful pairing for life. Matched pheromones create chemicals with powerful aphrodisiac properties which lead to very rapid courtship and stable life bonds being undertaken. Under certain conditions, these bio-chemicals cause mind expanding drugs to be manufactured within the bodies of the paired couple. When ingested by each from the other, the drug enhances power derived from the Force and generates a transcendental state of being which reinforces the pair-bond during the mating process. It is the responsibility of the male partner to initiate the activities which create these bio-chemicals and to aid their ingestion.
Such is the immediacy and power of this attraction, and realisation that each is meant for the other, that In very ancient times the 'courtship' frequently consisted of acts approaching 'consensual rape' and sexual violence, which transmuted to a deep and abiding love once the female had submitted. It is the suddenness and violence of the act which is distressing, for the female is less able to resist the violence, even though she is in the same state of need as the male, who often, in his confusion, will heedlessly beat her senseless lest she fail to accept him."

This is not good. If what he has told me of Scar'let and her history of being enslaved and violated, and of his effection and concern for her. I bet he is terrified that he might hurt her.

We will have to talk.

We did, in the library. I love the balcnoy is my favorite place. Lovers have come here, monks for meditations, people just seeking peace. I like to dance in the rain here when no one is looking!
*blushed shyly*

Brem and I met here to talk and for me to learn more of him. He has lived a tough life, serving the Empire by force. A method of exo-mental implant control. I surgery I had done research on a few years ago for a doctor I once met in the Library. It is commonely used on non-human soldiers of the empire to guaruntee their service and keep them chained like dogs. Sentients are not animals! Well, I could not express that view as a neutral archivist. Brem had suffered this but a malfunction gave him freedom and he changed his face and his ways and sought something new. He then met Scar'let and was immediately drawn to her sincerety and devotion. She is a remarkable woman from the sound of things. Survives great trauma and is still willing to help others. They became friends, and now are so close they can feel the other, sometimes. She is a priestess, or almost, from what I gather. She and he have built a Temple.

This struck a chord in me. Whispering in my mind of familiarity. The voice that helped me help Brem yesterday. Yes, these are the people I need to share my knowledge with. I was overjoyed that when the rain came to the balcony, I lept up and danced about in it. Brem joined me. It was wonderful to see him smile and dance. He is remarkable graceful and so gently for a bounty hunter. He is however just in training and not yet a master of bounty hunting. he will be, I am sure. I hope he never loses that gentle nature and warm smile.

He watched me alot. It made me very shy. Soaked, I changed into my dress that I used to wear here in the library. He watched me more. My spine tingled under his gaze. He said that the way I always tilt my head when I smile or laugh or blush is captivating. And he can't not watch my freckles dance when I wrinkle my nose. (I have a bad habit of making quick nose wrinklings when I smile I get tease alot at how cute it is... and Brem is no less moved by it. I can't seem to NOT do these things though.)

What happened after... was almost a blur. We were so overcome with childish laughter and silliness that one thing led to another and ... I don't know what came over me... or him... not at first. We, we made love. I was his first. At first, he hurt me. But I managed to have him control himself, gentle himself. I was more aware. This needed to happen for some reason. Time seemed to stop for us as we explored each other and reached climaxes. Zabrak are intense passionate lovers! Nothing like engaging with other humans. *makes a mental note*

He was disturbed after though. Scar'let. He suddenly felt like he betrayed her. I could still feel some strange essense of him in me (and I am not refering to rude bodily fluid, thank you very much for the disgusting thought!). He was afraid and confused. He was not my first lover. So, I reassured him. This was supposed to happen for some unknown reason. Maybe to show him that he CAN get this close to someone and maintain self-control. He know was the rising passions feel like now. So, in future, when he and Scar'let get this close (and I know one day they will especially if they are Tai'Shan). he now knows he will not frighten nor harm the one he loves so dearly. I assured him I will not get between them.

I care for him too. But Tai'Shan is something sacred.

Wow... this is my longest entry! maybe I am getting better at this!

= *]

(nose wrinkle with a cute tilt of the head and a beaming bright infectiously innocent smile!)


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