Kimbrya's Archives


Log: Dec. 29,xxx4: recap of the first ordeals

This started out good. We discussed their choices of meditation rooms. Then gave each a chance to discuss what their ordeal was and how they felt about them. At first I was not sure if we had made the right choices at all for them. I was not sure if they learned anything about themselves throguh them and was suddenly unsure if I had properly researched the rites' purposes.

I was grateful Maxell showed up. He helped Scar'let realize what she had learned... and that she had succeeded. It is interesting to see her. She is so bold and brave and outwardly strong... handling many things withough falling apart. But inwardly I see the is remarkable insecure with her own abilities, shy and vulverable.

This did not go well with Deomo's challenge. He had definately succeeded in accomplishing it. But... it was not a challange for him. His greater challanges lay in expressing his own points of view and feelings, coherently without losing focus nor withough succumbing to anger. Unfortuantely Maxell just seem to push him button. Eventually Scar'let stepped in and her and Deomo spoke softly in a corner. They have an interesting relationship. I can see the longing in each other's eyes... but neither will cross a line to explore it out of respect for her other bond. He is so very gentle and attentative with her. She brings out the best in him. I can hardly belive he was the same man who captured and tortured me.... locked in a feral drive to do so. Here he was... wonderful to watch... Except when he was riled by Maxell. But he showed incredible restraint.

Maxell and Brem then spoke together across me. I had begun to lose focus. I held myself in check but just could not listen to the discussion that was helping Brem relize that his mission failure was a learning experience. And as he and Maxell developed trust in each other... i could no longer take the pains and dizziness. Brem and Maxell were so absorbed they did not notice. I tried to temm brem I missed my med dose. But couldn't. My world spun and I think I heard Scarlet call my name. Next brem was dashing ahead to open doors and Maxell was carrying me to the bed I share with Brem. He was about to give me the small dose when I managed to say full dose. But everything went dark before he gave it to me.


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